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Retiring With Your Spouse? Here’s What to Know

If you don’t know what your spouse wants out of retirement, you might be faced with unforeseen, costly mistakes. Ask yourself if you know their specific plan. Do you know the day they plan to retire? Do you know exactly how your finances are going to be handled? Retirement is all about planning, and if you aren’t planning with your [...]

February 26th, 2024|Retirement Planning|

Navigating Financial Security in Retirement: The Role of Work

Retirement is often envisioned as a time of leisure and freedom from the demands of a full-time job. However, the rising costs of living and uncertain economic conditions characterized by high interest rates and volatile markets can cast a shadow of worry over this anticipated period of peace. Despite these concerns, there are strategies available to mitigate financial stress and [...]

February 19th, 2024|Retirement Income, Retirement Planning|

5 Things to Help You Get Started on Legacy and Estate Planning

Do you have a plan for what will happen to your assets when you pass away? This may be something that you should be working into your overall financial plan. Without a specific estate plan and legacy plan, you won’t know what is going to happen to your money after you are gone. 1. Think about the good you can [...]

February 12th, 2024|Estate Planning|

How to Know if You Have Enough Saved for Retirement

The most pressing question regarding retirement is, "What amount should I have in savings?" This concern might cross your mind a lot. It could even be a source of significant stress for you. The idea of laboring well into your 70s or 80s is not appealing, so how can you make sure that your savings are enough? Begin from this [...]

February 5th, 2024|Retirement Income, Retirement Planning|

Long-Term Care Costs Could Hurt Your Savings… But You Have Options!

Chances are you haven’t factored long-term medical care into your financial plan. Two out of every three baby boomers don’t have any plan in place for needing long-term care.[1] Long-term care is medical care that goes beyond just normal doctor’s visits. It is medical care where someone helps you with the functions of everyday living, like eating and bathing. It [...]

January 29th, 2024|Financial Planning, Healthcare|

What to Know When Retiring into Uncertain Times

There has been a lot of chaos in the market over the last few years, and you may find yourself worried that you’re retiring at the wrong time. You may be worried that you will retire right before the markets and economy turn sour. These are both legitimate concerns, but there are strategies that you can employ to protect yourself [...]

January 22nd, 2024|Economy, Financial Planning, Investing, Retirement Planning|

Don’t Ignore These Risks for Retirement!

Even if you are comfortable in your financial life, even if you are fairly wealthy, there are still pitfalls when it comes to retirement! There are many things that affluent retirees don’t take into account, specifically because of their comfortable financial position. Don’t be one of those people who forget to overlook the risks of tomorrow just because they’re comfortable [...]

January 16th, 2024|Retirement Planning|


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