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Browse Our Complimentary Guides & Download Instantly

At Martinelli Financial Services, we create a customized plan based on your own values and beliefs about money that reflects your own unique goals and priorities.

Below, we are offering complimentary downloads of some of our top financial insights to help you assess your current investment and retirement strategies. We hope you find these retirement and financial insight white papers helpful.

Optimizing Social Security

in Today’s World

Social Security planning is one of the most important elements in any retirement plan, but getting the most from your Social Security benefit can also feel complex and frustrating. In our guide, “Optimizing Your Social Security in Today’s World,” you’ll uncover practical tips and easy-to-understand steps to get the most out of your Social Security benefits.

Important Birthdays Over 50

Learn More About These Important Dates

Happy Birthday! Now the real fun begins. Before you begin planning your retirement, be sure to mark these important dates in your calendar. Starting at age 50, several birthdays – including “half-birthdays” – are critical to understand because they have implications regarding your retirement income.

Age 59 1/2

Why Is This An Important Age?

More than two-thirds of people this age say they expect to run out of money sometime during their retirement, even those closest to retirement. Explore your retirement options and your healthcare concerns.

The Ultimate 401(k) Guide

Take Control of Your 401(k) Before And After Retirement

We all know that a 401(k) is one of the most important retirement planning tools we have. You pay into it for decades and will likely need to rely on it, among other income sources, for decades in retirement. The potential tax benefits and power of compound interest can make it a great saving and investment tool for anyone who practices financial discipline and contributes regularly.

2024 Tax Planning Guide

Your Roadmap To Reducing Taxes This Year and In The Future

We believe it’s important that you look to employ tax diversity in your retirement plan. Different types of investments can impact your taxes differently. Having accounts that receive varying tax treatments is a key strategy. You should work with a qualified professional to help determine exactly how much you should have in each tax “bucket” to help minimize your overall tax burden in retirement.


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